bai zhu • rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae • white atractylodis rhizome • 白术 

👉 this herb is used for patterns with

spleen and stomach deficiency, dampness or fluid accumulation from spleen deficiency, wei qi deficiency.

🤕 symptoms indicating the use of bai zhu

diarrhea, fatigue, tiredness, sallow complexion, edema, masses and swellings, reduced urination, spontaneous sweating, restless fetus.

tcm_pocketguide - bai zhu • rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae • white atractylodis rhizome • 白术 - herb
tcm_pocketguide - bai zhu • rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae • white atractylodis rhizome • indication action

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