ma huang tang • ephedra decoction • 麻黃湯

👉 the chinese herbal prescription ma huang tang is used for

patterns external wind-cold, cold excess, external wind-cold attacking the lungs, wind-cold bi syndrome.

🤕 symptoms that indicate the use of ma huang tang

predominant chills, aversion to cold, fever, no sweating, headache, stiff neck, body aches, wheezing and dispnea, cough with thin watery or frothy white sputum, sneezing, blocked or runny nose with clear discharge, nosebleeds, wind-cold-damp bi.

🤠 western interpretation of ma huang tang

upper respiratory tract infection (urti), influenza, acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma, lobar pneumonia, acute glomerulonephritis, edema.

💡 explanation of the mechanism

this is wind-cold attacking the exterior where it constrains or bottles up the protective qi (wei qi). this inhibits the flow of the yang qi in the exterior, which produces chills. the battle between the external pathogenic influence and the normal qi causes fever and makes the skin warm to the touch.

the head is the meeting place of the yang channels and an attack of wind-cold on the superficial (yang) aspects of the body results in headache. cold causes the interstices and pores to close and prevent sweating. it also interferes with the flow of nutritive qi (ying qi), which produces generalized body aches.

the bottling-up of the exterior leads to constraint of the lung, which results in rebellious lung qi manifested as wheezing. this is an exterior condition only, and the tongue is therefore not affected. the floating pulse indicates that the pathogenic influence is in the exterior, and the tight pulse indicates the presence of cold.

ma huang tang • ephedra decoction • 麻黃湯 - modifications
ma huang tang • ephedra decoction • 麻黃湯 - modifications
ma huang tang • ephedra decoction • 麻黃湯 - western interpretation

⚠️ these prescriptions are not meant for self-medication and should only be prescribed by a licensed tcm practitioner upon a proper diagnosis.

do you have a question? please get in touch with me.