si jun zi tang • four-gentlemen decoction • 四君子汤

👉 the chinese herbal prescription si jun zi tang is used for

spleen qi deficiency, spleen and stomach qi deficiency, heart qi deficiency, lung and spleen qi deficiency, heart and lung qi deficency, gu syndrome.

🤕 symptoms indicating the use of si jun zi tang

pale face, sallow complexion, pale lips, low, soft, weak voice, aversion to speak, tiredness, lethargy, tired limbs, muscle weakness, heavy limbs, distention after eating, shortness of breath, loose stools, borborygmus, possibly nausea, vomiting, acidity, abdominal pain.

🤠 western interpretation of si jun zi tang

neurasthenia, chronic  gastritis, peptic ulcer, irritable bowle syndrome, diabetes mellitus, periodic paralysis, uterine fibroids, to reduce the recovery time after a gastric surgery, elderly with chronic  cough or bronchitis, nice for kids.

tcm pocketguide - si jun zi tang • four-gentlemen decoction • 四君子汤 - prescription

💡 explanation of the mechanism

this is the classic presentation of spleen qi deficiency, usually caused by improper eating habits, excessive deliberation, or overworking. when the spleen qi is deficient, the transformation of food into blood and qi is impaired. this manifests as a pallid complexion and a low, soft voice.

spleen deficiency also leads to a decline in that organ’s transportive functions and thus a lack of transport through the stomach. this manifests as reduced appetite and unformed stools. because the spleen governs the limbs, the patient will first experience weakness in those parts of the body. the pale tongue and the thin and/or frail pulse are typical reflections of deficient spleen qi.

(bensky & barolet)

tcm pocketguide - si jun zi tang • four-gentlemen decoction • 四君子汤 - modification
tcm pocketguide - si jun zi tang • four-gentlemen decoction • 四君子汤 - modification 2
tcm pocketguide - si jun zi tang • four-gentlemen decoction • 四君子汤 - modification 3
tcm pocketguide - si jun zi tang • four-gentlemen decoction • 四君子汤 - explanation
tcm pocketguide - si jun zi tang • four-gentlemen decoction • 四君子汤 - western interpretation

⚠️ important note: these prescriptions are not meant for self-medication and should only be prescribed by a licensed tcm practitioner upon a proper diagnosis.

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