yin qiao san • honeysuckle and forsythia powder • 银翘散

👉 this chinese herbal prescription is used for

patterns of exterior wind-heat with heat toxin, wind-heat attacking the lungs, wen bing wei level, summerheat with dampness.

🤕 symptoms that indicate the use of yin qiao san

fever, slight or no chills, thirst, cough, sore red swollen throat, headache, runny or blocked nose, possibly dispnea and flaring of nostrils, possibly boils and sores.

🤠 western interpretation of yin qiao san

upper respiratory tract infection (urti), influenza, acute bronchitis, epidemic parotitis, acute endometritis, early-stage enchephalitis or meningitis, early-stage measles or mumps, acute tonsilitis.

tcm pocketguide yin qiao san • honeysuckle and forsythia powder • 银翘散 - chinese herbal prescription - chinese medicine - tcm

💡 explanation of the mechanism

this is an early-stage warm-febrile disease which enters through the nose and mouth and attacks the lungs. depending on how much the wei qi is involved, heat in the superficial aspect of the lungs results in fever with or without chills, cough, sore throat, a red-tipped tongue, and a white or yellow tongue coating.

if the pathogenic influence is still in the exterior, the tongue coating will be normal (thin and white). when heat injures the fluids it causes thirst. the floating, rapid pulse reflects the presence of superficial heat.

yin qiao san • honeysuckle and forsythia powder • 银翘散 - modifications
yin qiao san • honeysuckle and forsythia powder • 银翘散 - modifications
yin qiao san • honeysuckle and forsythia powder • 银翘散 - modifications
yin qiao san • honeysuckle and forsythia powder • 银翘散 - western interpretation

⚠️ these prescriptions are not meant for self-medication and should only be prescribed by a licensed tcm practitioner upon a proper diagnosis.

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