huang lian jie du tang • coptis decoction to relieve toxicity • 黃連解毒湯

👉 the chinese herbal prescription huang lian jie du tang is used for

patterns of fire toxin in the three jiaos pervading the exterior and interior, lung heat, and gu syndrome.

🤕 symptoms that indicate the use of huang lian jie du tang

high fever, irritability, fidgeting, dry mouth and throat, incoherent speech, insomnia, dark urine, nosebleed, palpitations, coughing of blood, vomiting of blood, carbuncles, deep-rooted boils, toxic swellings, dysenteric disorders, jaundice, red face, red eyes, dry lips, itchy skin.

🤠 western interpretation of huang lian jie du tang

septicemia, tocxic bacillary dysentery, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, encephalitis, and purulent skin lesions.

tcm pocketguide - huang lian jie du tang • coptis decoction to relieve toxicity • 黃連解毒湯 - chinese herbal prescription - chinese medicine - tcm

💡 explanation of the mechanism

this is severe obstruction of the three jiaos by fire toxin (heat toxin), which pervades both the interior and exterior.

toxin can develop when an external pathogenic influence is transformed by constraint, or from the accumulation of internally-generated heat. the fire toxin that ensues in turn pervades the three jiaos and disturbs the spirit. this manifests as high fever, irritability, and in severe cases, incoherent speech and insomnia.

the searing heat injures the fluids and dries the mouth and throat. severe heat may also induce reckless movement of blood (especially in the upper part of the body) which causes nosebleed or vomiting of blood. injury to the blood vessels can result in leakage to the skin and the muscle layer produces carbuncles, boils, and other types of suppurative swellings.

a red tongue with a yellow coating and a fast, forceful pulse reflect the presence of fire toxin. in some cases, fire toxin from constraint may cause damp-heat dysenteric disorders or jaundice.

huang lian jie du tang • coptis decoction to relieve toxicity • 黃連解毒湯 - modifications
huang lian jie du tang • coptis decoction to relieve toxicity • 黃連解毒湯 - modifications
huang lian jie du tang • coptis decoction to relieve toxicity • 黃連解毒湯 - western interpretation

⚠️ these prescriptions are not meant for self-medication and should only be prescribed by a licensed tcm practitioner upon a proper diagnosis.

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