li zhong wan = ren shen tang • regulate the middle pill • 理中丸

👉 the chinese herbal prescription li zhong wan is used for

spleen yang deficiency, middle jiao yang deficiency, upper jiao yang qi deficiency, chest bi syndrome, stomach cold, small intestine deficiency cold, spleen and kidney yang deficiency, bleeding from spleen yang deficiency.

🤕 symptoms indicating the use of li zhong wan

watery diarrhea with undigested food, sudden turmoil disorder, nausea, vomiting, bloating, abdominal pain that improves with warmth and pressure, lack of appetite, no thirst, excessive saliva, quiet hiccoughs or belching, cold limbs, cold hands and feet, fullness in the chest and hypochondriac pain which radiates to the heart, chronic bleeding.

🤠 western interpretation of li zhong wan

acute or chronic gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, gastroptosis, irritable bowle syndrome, chronic colitis, chronic bronchitis, oral herpes, uterine bleeding, infantile convulsions.

tcm pocketguide - li zhong wan • regulate the middle pill • 理中丸 - prescription

💡explanation of the mechanism

this is middle jiao cold from deficiency, also known as middle jiao yang deficiency. when the spleen yang is deficient, the clear yang cannot ascend, which causes diarrhea with watery stool.

when the stomach loses its ability to make the turbid yin descend, nausea and vomiting ensue. the loss of appetite is indicative of spleen deficiency.

when cold invades the abdomen, it causes contractions, and thus pain. this process is reflected in the saying “when the yang is deficient, the yin ascends.”

the absence of thirst is indicative of cold. cold from deficiency is also reflected in the pale tongue with a white coating, and the submerged, thin pulse.

(bensky & barolet)

tcm pocketguide - li zhong wan • regulate the middle pill • 理中丸 - modifications
tcm pocketguide - li zhong wan • regulate the middle pill • 理中丸 - modifications 2
tcm pocketguide - li zhong wan • regulate the middle pill • 理中丸 - explanation
tcm pocketguide - li zhong wan • regulate the middle pill • 理中丸 - western interpretation

⚠️ important note: these prescriptions are not meant for self-medication and should only be prescribed by a licensed tcm practitioner upon a proper diagnosis.

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